Learn how to make a pinecone wreath using hot glue, pine cones, burlap ribbon, and a wreath form. It's beautiful, rustic wall decor!
Pinecones can be used in so many ways, from pinecone ornaments to gorgeous pinecone garlands.
They are easy to find outside in many parts of the world, and if you live in a climate where pinecones don't come naturally, you can buy them online either through a company or someone selling them on a site like eBay.
Today, we are going to use pine cones to make a beautiful DIY pinecone wreath!
How to Make a Pinecone Wreath
Step 1: Gather Supplies
Supplies Needed:
- Wreath Form - I used a grapevine wreath form, but a straw wreath form would work fine too.
- Burlap Ribbon
- Hot Glue Gun and Glue
- Pinecones - you can buy them on Amazon, or collect your own and clean them with this method.
- Scissors
- Wire Cutter
Step 2: Wrap your wreath form in burlap ribbon to give it a smooth, even surface to glue the pinecones on.
Hot glue the ribbon to the wreath, and wrap it around the entire circle.
It doesn't have to be perfect; you won't see the burlap when the wreath is finished.
The purpose of the burlap is to give the pinecones a smooth surface to be glued to.
If you try to hot glue pinecones to the grapevine wreath itself, it is hard to secure the pinecones and make them look good.
Step 3: Hot glue pinecones to the burlap-wrapped wreath, in varying positions.
Hold them in place as the glue cools and hardens, before moving on to the next pinecone.
Continue around the wreath form.
This is what it looked like once the whole wreath was covered.
You can see it's still a little sparse in some spots, so I decided to add more pinecones to those areas.
Here is the finished product!
It's much fuller and thicker.
The pinecones are arranged in a slightly staggered way, with various sizes intermixed together.
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This pinecone wreath looks great as a part of your fall decor, and it looks even better as part of your winter decor!
It serves as a beautiful compliment to Christmas or holiday decorations and is so neutral that it can be intermixed with any type of color scheme.
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