Learn how to make a DIY rope bicycle wheel wreath using white cotton rope and a wire bicycle wreath form.
Wreaths are fun and easy to make. We recently made a handmade jute wreath and a DIY rope wreath, using wire frames and jute/rope from the Dollar Tree.
Today, we are going to use a bicycle wheel wire wreath form from the Dollar Tree, and cotton rope to weave a unique rope bicycle wheel wreath!
Here's how to do it!
How to Make a Rope Bicycle Wheel Wreath
Step 1. Gather Supplies
Supplies Needed:
- Bicycle Wheel Wire Wreath Frame
- Rope (the same type of rope we used to make DIY rope coasters)
- Hot Glue Gun and Glue
- Scissors
Step 2. Starting at the center of the bicycle wheel, begin to weave the rope over and under each spoke of the wheel.
NOTE: This is very important - after the first time around as you go under/over/under/over etc, when you get to the place where you started, you will go over two spokes (instead of just one like usual), and then resume the under/over/under pattern on each spoke. This will stagger the over/under pattern so that you don't always go over the same spokes and under the same spokes. If you didn't offset it, your wheel wouldn't have a varied weave pattern. The wreath would have a totally different appearance with vary little variation and weave.
Step 3. Continue around until you reach the place where you just went over two spokes, and again - go over two spokes but this time it will be shifted over one spoke to the right.
Step 4. Continue this pattern of going over and under each spoke, but then going over top of 2 spokes just to the right of where you did it the last time.
As you continue to do this, the wheel wreath will fill in with a 3D textured weave pattern that is interesting and unusual.
Step 5. Once the whole wheel wreath frame is filled with rope, hot glue the end of the rope to the backside, and you are done!
Your bicycle wheel wreath is finished!
This rope bicycle wheel wreath is not a precise, fussy wreath.
You can make mistakes and vary the wrapping pattern and your wreath will still turn out fine.
If you don't do the "go over 2 spokes at the end of each revolution" thing, you'll be able to see the difference very quickly. The rope will go over the same spokes and under the same spokes each time, so you'll very clearly see some of the spokes of your wheel wreath. (I didn't try it that way - maybe it'll look great and you'll love it! Try it and report back with photos!)
By going over 2 spokes at the end of each revolution, you will offset the weave pattern, giving you an end result that is three-dimensional and unique - unlike any wreath you've seen before!
Have fun with it!
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