Make a beautiful Salt Dough ornament, and add pine needles pressed into the dough, using our step-by-step guide. Add a rustic touch to your holiday decor!
Salt dough is an easy non-edible dough to make for kids' play and also for endless craft projects!
This easy salt dough recipe is foolproof and turns out perfectly every time.
Today, we are going to use salt dough to make circle ornaments, and we are going to press pine needles into the ornaments before baking them to create beautiful ornaments for the Christmas tree!
Here's how to make them!

How to Make a Salt Dough Ornament with Pine Needle Embellishment
Step 1. Gather Supplies
Supplies Needed:
- Flour
- Salt
- Water
- Mixing Bowl
- Spoon
- Rolling Pin
- Cookie Sheet
- Parchment Paper
- Cookie Cutters
- Straw
- Pine Needles
- Twine
- Scissors
Step 2. Using this easy salt dough recipe, make a batch of salt dough.
This recipe uses 2 cups of flour, 1 cup of salt, and 1 cup of water. It makes a large ball of dough and at least 10+ ornaments.
You can double or cut the recipe in half, depending on how much salt dough you need and how many ornaments you want to make.
Step 3. Roll out the dough onto a flour-coated cutting board, using a flour-coated rolling pin so it doesn't stick.
You want the dough to be about ¼" or a little thinner, if possible.
Step 4. Use cookie cutters to cut shapes out of the salt dough.
Place them onto a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet in preparation for baking.
Step 5. Use a drinking straw to make holes in the top of each ornament to add a hanging string later.
Step 6. Press a piece of pine into the ornament's dough to create an imprint of the pine needles in the ornament.
Step 7. Bake cookie sheet of ornaments in a 250 degree Fahrenheit oven for 2+ hours.
The dough will harden as they bake.
You can also airdry the ornaments, but this will take at least several days (depending on the humidity level in your home etc.)
The ornaments should be hard on both sides when they're dry and done. If they're not, bake them a little longer until they are.
Step 8. Cut a piece of twine and add a hanging string loop to each ornament.
These salt dough ornaments can be made with lots of different kinds of imprints in them besides the pine needles - you could add leaf imprints, stick imprints to make designs, or even handprints or thumbprints.
I've made some with my 6 lb dog's pawprints in them, as well as some with my infant's handprints.
Talk about an easy keepsake ornament and a well-loved handmade gift idea! They were huge hits!
You can even string a handful of these ornaments onto twine and make a beautiful salt dough garland for your mantel!
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