Learn how to make easy DIY fall acorns using yarn-wrapped plastic easter eggs in this simple craft tutorial! All you have to do is hot glue yarn and twine onto plastic eggs to make these cute acorns for fall!
Plastic easter eggs aren't only for springtime anymore (but sure do make cute pom pom Easter eggs!) - today we are going to cover them in yarn and twine and turn them into cute DIY fall acorns!
The plastic eggs are the perfect shape to become DIY acorns, and yarn and twine are two of the most common craft supplies.
So it's the perfect craft for fall!
Here's how to make them!

DIY Fall Acorns using Yarn-Wrapped Plastic Easter Eggs
Step 1. Gather Supplies
Supplies Needed:
- Plastic Easter Eggs
- Hot Glue Gun and Glue
- Twine
- Yarn
- Scissors
Step 2. Hot glue the top and bottom of a plastic easter egg together.
This gives you the form to wrap with the yarn and twine.
Step 3. Begin gluing and wrapping the twine or yarn around the outside of the plastic easter egg.
Snug up the twine as you wrap, so you eliminate any gaps that could show the color of the egg through.
When you get to the top, cut the twine and glue it down.
You can use twine for the "cap" of the acorn, and yarn for the base, or any other variation you choose.
You can start at the small end of the egg, and wrap the yarn downward - this allows you to keep it snugged up as you wrap.
Once you reach the halfway point through, it gets harder to eliminate any gaps, and the color of the egg often shows through. (See photo below.)
This is where wrapping the bigger end (the end with the gaps) in twine for an "acorn cap" is a great idea.
You can cover up the gaps with the twine!
Thicker yarn wraps easier and covers up the easter egg's color easier.
(The orange yarn in the photo below is the thinnest. The gray was the thickest and covered the egg beneath it the easiest.)
Cute, aren't they??
You can make these DIY yarn-wrapped acorns with any color of yarn you have.
They look great in a centerpiece, or you could hang them up as a garland.
Kids love them too, and will surely incorporate them in their play.
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